
Donnerstag, 30. Januar 2014

SAA Blogging carnival - Best of Archaeologik

The blogging carnival #blogarch for the 2014 SAA Blogging Session hosted at Doug's Archaeology asks this January for the best or worst blogposts.

I feel this is indeed a difficult question, as there are so many different approaches to define the best. Doug leaves it up to the individual bloggers, so I want to give fhree answers.

1. Most viewed:
Die völlige Zerstörung von Apameia am Orontes (30.4.2013, 4243 views)
For the top 15 in 2013 see Archaeologik 2013
Most recognized at google+ :
Plünderungen an ägyptischen Kulturstätten - Eine Chronologie seit dem 14. August 2013 by Jutta Zerres on the situation in Egypt in August 2013.

2. Reactions
Most reactions had a blogpost related to treasure hunting: Faltblatt Raubgräber  (24.7.2011) with 53 comments within a discussion on treasure hunting - indeed a discussion I finally had to stop.

There are several blogposts, which brought very interesting comments, helping in my own research. For example  was commented with a short link by Klaus Graf giving reference to written sources, which previously have not be correlated with the archaeological record in question - a small, but valuable contribution for ongoing work.

Invitation for print publication
compare Habitus - vom Blog zur 'echten' Publikation. Archaeologik (5.12.2013)

There are many reactions in real life, which I can not link to a single blogpost for sure. I came in touch with several colleagues in the UK and Scandinavia, resulting in a common proposal for an ESF research project regarding 14th century cultural changes. Finally the application was not granted, but nevertheless we had an interesting exchange of ideas. Probably Yersinia pestis - the missing ecological and historical dimension was at the heart of these contacts.
most 'proud'
Doug also asked for the blogpost most proud of. 'Proud' is maybe not the right term, and I do not want to refer to single blogposts. I rather estimate the broad variety of topics valuable, trying to connect the past with the present and to put archaeology into the context of modern society. Maybe I should especially mention the series of posts on Syrian civil war, starting in May 2012 and collecting the most important information on the destruction of cultural heritage in Syria:

But looking back, there are several posts, I still value very interesting. They started with some readings, but resulted in surprising aspects of ongoing, long-term research interests in medieval settlement changes during the Middle Ages. So, for me, they produced important preliminary results of ongoing work.
However, the same is true for many more posts, which were important steps when working on papers and articles, as for example a collection of some fossil field structures from Google aerial fotographs in the Near East.

Blogging Archaeology
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