
Freitag, 10. September 2021

Ruralia XIV in Viseu (Portugal) - open for a digital audience

This year's Ruralia conference will start at September 13th. It's dealing with "Household goods in the European Medieval and Early Modern countryside" and brings together archaeologists from more than 20 countries. 

Cabin in central Portugal
(Oliveira, .V.;Galhano, F; Pereira, B.; Constru
ções primitivas em Portugal.
Centro de Estudos de Etnologia, Lisbon, 1969).
However, due to Covid19 it is not possible for all of them to meet personally in Viseu in Portugal and therefore the conference is a hybrid one, - which makes it possible for a wider audience to participate virtually on the presentations in six panels:

  • Panel 1: Archaeology and the household - Monday September 13th, 15.30–17.30 
  • Panel 2:  Temporary households  - Tuesday, September 14th, 08.30–10.30
  • Panel 3: Living conditions and the household -  Tuesday, September 14th, 11.00–12.30
  • Panel 4: Household and spatial structure -  Tuesday, September 14th, 14.00–16.00 
  • Panel 5: Household objects and social and economic status? -  Tuesday, September 14th, 16.30–18.00 , continued at  Thursday, September 16th, 9.00–11.30
  • Panel 6: Particular household objects and particular activities? - Friday, September 17th, 9.00–11.30
  • Final remarks and discussion - Friday, September 17th, 11.30–12.30 

The detailed program can be found in the conference booklet (pdf)

The Zoom link to the conference starting on Monday is this:

ID of the meeting : 859 4350 5134

RURALIA - the Jean-Marie Pesez Conferences on Medieval Rural Archaeology

RURALIA is an international association for the archaeology of medieval settlement and rural life. It provides a European-wide platform for the scientific exchange on current problems in rural archaeology in order to strengthen comparative and interdisciplinary studies. The conference covers the period from the Early Medieval to the Early Modern periods. The conference language is English.

The RURALIA XIV conference in Viseu  is jointly organized by Catarina Tente, Sara Prata, Piers Dixon, Mark Gardiner and Claudia Theune, with the support of the Viseu Municipality, Direção Geral do Património Cultural, Direção Regional de Cultura do Centro, Direção Regional de Turismo do Centro, and Institute of Medieval Studies of the NOVA University. 

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